Power Supplies
AJA offers a wide range of versatile power supplies that are optimized for magnetron sputtering applications. These power supplies are typically in stock and ready for shipment. For additional information and pricing, please contact AJA directly.

RF Generators /
Matching Networks
100 W for RF bias and small sources
300 W, 600 W and 1000W for RF magnetron deposition
Integral generator/matching network controller - minimal rack space
Software specifically for magnetron sputtering - intuitive operation
Programmable power limits
Cables included with either "N", "HN" or "7/16 DIN" coaxial connectors
750 W and 1500 W models available
Integral 4 way switchbox inside
0-1000VDC Output Voltage
0-1 Amp (750)/0-2 Amps (1500) Output Current
Intuitive interface specifically for magnetron sputtering
Programmable with power limits, ramping, timing and shutter control
Full 19” rack mount (3U)
DCXP Pulsed DC
1500 W output power
1050W in PulseDC mode
0-1000VDC Output Voltage
0-3 Amps Output Current
10-300 kHz Output Frequency
Intuitive interface specifically for magnetron sputtering
Active front panel control
RS-232, analog interface
Full 19” rack mount (3U)
100 Amps and 600 amps models available
≤ 1000 V Output Peak Voltage
Voltage, Current, Power, Pulse Current Regulation Modes
1 to 10,000 Hz Pulse Frequency
2.5 μs to 1000 μs Pulse Duration
< 2 μs Arc Control: Reaction time
Bipolar feature available providing ion acceleration w/o the need of substrate biasing
RS-232 remote communication